Weber Type II alignment tape j-card

Weber Type II alignment tape j-card

Tarot card ‘Remote Ferrics’ design, Conor Walker (2019)

Tarot card ‘Remote Ferrics’ design, Conor Walker (2019)

Flotsam at the Iron Shore map, based on the Isle of Villings

Flotsam at the Iron Shore map, based on the Isle of Villings

Mixtape j-card for National Library of Scotland’s 1980s event, Conor Walker (2019)

Mixtape j-card for National Library of Scotland’s 1980s event, Conor Walker (2019)

AEG/DIN pancake reel, preserved & digitised by Nicola Reade and Conor Walker, National Library of Scotland (2019)

AEG/DIN pancake reel, preserved & digitised by Nicola Reade and Conor Walker, National Library of Scotland (2019)

Scan of Quranic studies cassette

Scan of Quranic studies cassette

Kelp from the Isle of Muck, Sail Britain: Life of Islands Residency (2019)

Kelp from the Isle of Muck, Sail Britain: Life of Islands Residency (2019)

Recording Çıralı Cami, the stove & an unidentified cat, Turkey (2019)

Recording Çıralı Cami, the stove & an unidentified cat, Turkey (2019)

0.25” degraded leader & tape splices baggie (2020)

0.25” degraded leader & tape splices baggie (2020)

Fender w/o Car, Kelvindale Glasgow (2020)

Fender w/o Car, Kelvindale Glasgow (2020)