Weber Type II alignment tape j-card
Tarot card ‘Remote Ferrics’ design, Conor Walker (2019)
Flotsam at the Iron Shore map, based on the Isle of Villings
Mixtape j-card for National Library of Scotland’s 1980s event, Conor Walker (2019)
AEG/DIN pancake reel, preserved & digitised by Nicola Reade and Conor Walker, National Library of Scotland (2019)
Scan of Quranic studies cassette
Kelp from the Isle of Muck, Sail Britain: Life of Islands Residency (2019)
Recording Çıralı Cami, the stove & an unidentified cat, Turkey (2019)
0.25” degraded leader & tape splices baggie (2020)
Fender w/o Car, Kelvindale Glasgow (2020)